95 The Hollywood Christmas Parade

One of the oldest parades in the United States is in the Entertainment Capital of the World, but it’s sort of a small parade. This episode features a listener call and the next one could be you. Go to MyChristmasStocking.net and either click “Call Me” or dial 323-487-12-25! At select times throughout the season, I’ll be on the other end answering live. I’ll let you know on Facebook, on Twitter (@XmasStocking) and  Google+, where I plan to do a hangout or two. You can also mail TopElf at MyChristmasStocking.NET. Tell us about your favorite childhood Christmas memory, your favorite memory of your kids’ Christmas  or simply wish someone Merry Christmas. And thanks to Brian who gave to the show at www.MyChristmasStocking.net/Contribute.

Click here to download the show to your device.

Featured music:

The Fall Song by Joy Ike from the album “All or Nothing”
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Background music:

“It’s Christmas Christmas Time” by junior85 (from the Free Music Archive)

“Silent Night (Jazz Trio Version)” by John Stebbe (from MacJams.com)

“Carol of the Bells” and “Autumn Sunset” by Jason Shaw (from Audionautix.com)

More information:

Wikipedia has some information about the history of the Hollywood Christmas Parade. So does the official Facebook page of the parade.

Learn about this year’s Hollywood Christmas Parade.

Learn more about the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade from the official website and tips before you go from the Long Island Press.

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