96 Black Friday and Hot Toys for 2014

Complementing past Black Friday episodes about online and credit card safety, we look at other techniques for staying both safe and comfortable on Black Friday and beyond.  Join me on  Twitter (@XmasStocking) where you’ll get some Christmas news, Google+, where I hope to do a hangout or two, Facebook, where we talk about the show. Email TopElf at MyChristmasStocking.NET. Call the Christmas Stocking and tell us about your favorite childhood Christmas memory, your favorite memory of your kids’ Christmas  or simply wish someone Merry Christmas. Go to MyChristmasStocking.net and either click “Call Me” or dial 323-487-12-25! At select times throughout the season, I’ll be on the other end answering live. Big thanks to Anne who gave to the show at www.MyChristmasStocking.net/Contribute.

Click here to download the show to your device.

Featured music:

“Christmas Bells are Ringing” by The Connection from the album “A Christmas Gift for”
Buy on Amazon
Buy on iTunes

Background music:

“Dance to da Beat” by 5 is Even (from Mevio.com)

“Carol of the Bells” by Live Action Fezz from the album “Badgerland: A Very Badgerland Christmas” (from the Free Music Archive)

More information:

The National Crime Prevention Council has tips for your personal safety plan for Black Friday.

BlackFriday.com has more good Black Friday etiquette. Not quite Emily Post….

The toys returning from the 1980s. Some other great toys this year.

Tips to save on Christmas shopping all year.

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