90 Christmas Toys 1950-1959

You may be surprised at how many of your childhood favorites, and maybe your children’s favorites, first showed up in the 1950’s. Don’t forget episode 79, which covers the first half of the 20th century.  You’ll find all the episodes at  MyChristmasStocking.net.  Join the parties on Twitter (@XmasStocking),  Google+, and Facebook. Email TopElf at MyChristmasStocking.NET. Thanks to everyone who starts their Christmas (or any Amazon) shopping at Shop.MyChristmasStocking.net. You help the show a tiny bit and it doesn’t cost you a thing!

Click here to download the show to your device.

Featured music:

A Christmas Story” by Kevin Dremel (from Mevio.com)

Background music:

12 Days of Christmas” by Oregon Chad (from Mevio.com)

Memory Box” by junior85 (from the Free Music Archive)

More information:

Forbes had an article a few years ago about some of the biggest toys of the last 100 years.

Wikipedia has many good articles (too many to list here, but they’re easy to find).

One Response to “90 Christmas Toys 1950-1959”

  1. 101 Christmas Toys 1960-1969 | The Christmas Stocking

    […] Go back to the previous Christmas Stocking Toys of the 20th Century  episodes: 79 Toys for Christmas 1900-1950 and 90 Christmas Toys 1950-1959. […]

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